Audience Feedback

“Amazing! Joyful! Helpful!”
“This was excellent – I could have listened all day., Benefitted so much.”
“Very honest and informative.”
“Very enjoyable.”
“Bring Sabina Brennan backto do the talk on sleep and the other talks she mentioned. Excellent, funny, entertaining.”
“Very well explained, simple language. Kept me interested , funny little stories which helped keep my attention.”
“V good presenter, very clear and well spoken, good powerpoint presentation and easy to understand.”
“It was all explained very clearly and at all age levels. So I found it great & plenty more to come.”
“Brilliant speaker. Very Interesting. Very easy to listen to.”
“Very powerful presentation – Extremely useful information.”
“Very interesting, lots of tips.”
“Excellent informative session re. brain health.”
“Fantastic event, positive, informative, funny, happy, energetic. Full of get up and go.”
“Very informative – good explanation of scientific concepts without patronising or over simplification – accessible and challenging.”
“Very informative. Learned things I never knew. Will put some of what I’ve learned into practice.”
“Very well delivered, informative talk on brain health. Interesting and practical tips (hack). Thanks Sabina.”