Comment: Defending Science

On Saturday April 22nd I marched for science and in solidarity with silenced scientists.
I marched because I believe that our world without science would be a very scary place.
I marched for science because I believe that science gives birth to evidence, insight, ideas, solutions, and hope.
I marched for science because science is fundamental to progress.

Sabina Brennan & Prof Luke O’Neill, March for Science
I marched for science because I place greater value on opinion that has been formulated through careful consideration of the evidence than to opinion that ignores facts or empirical evidence.
I marched for science because I want to make a difference and science helps me to do that.
I marched for science because scientific evidence trumps alternative facts every time.
I marched for science because science makes a difference.
One way that science has made a difference is through vaccines. It’s a worrying world when voices without evidence are given the same weight in media as a wealth of scientific research. Lies are lost as a result. Vaccines save lives.
I am delighted to share with you this new animation that I produced for Vaccines today – please share widely people need to know that vaccines save lives.
[huge_it_videogallery id=”12″]